Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How do we keep our marriage alive?

Howdo we keep our marriage alive?

It sucks when the fire between thetwo couple is slowly fading away. Here are some stuffs that can helpcouples to save and spice up their marriage.

Before going to bed, make sure that you chat with your partner about his/her work or how was his/her day.

Reminisce the times you had and try to re-live it.
Go out on a date once awhile without your kids.

Try to remember or do the things you used to do for your partner

Go on with your partner on an out of town trips
Be more open to your partners needs and feelings

Live each day as if it is your last, in that way you would make an effort of being sweeter to your partner

Spend less time watching the tv on your own, instead spend time with each other.

Give something to your partner once in awhile like a certain gift that he/she would appreciate

Surprise your partner.
Do nice things for him/her.

Take care of yourself and make sure that you look pleasant to his/her eyes.

This would definitely help you spice up your marriage.

The love is alwaysthere but the passion fades away.

So light that fire again and don't let it die.

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