Friday, January 18, 2008

Role Of Women in Marriage & Home

The Lord said: "I will make a help meet." That happened when the man was only in the garden. (Genesis 2:18). (Genesis 2:18). And still narrating the Bible And still narrating the Bible: "From the rib he had removed the man, the Lord God made a woman and was presented to man" (Genesis 2:22) "From the rib he had removed the man , the Lord God made a woman and was presented to man "(Genesis 2:22) I noticed the word "help meet" and "rib" of Adam. I noticed the word "help meet" and "rib" of Adam.

Women are not less than men is because of the same substance of the man. Women are not less than men is because of the same substance of the man. Neither is a suitable patron as what some people think, but it is a "help meet" as said writing. Neither is a suitable pattern as what some people think, but it is a "help meet" as said writing. It is a partner in administering the household under the leadership of men. It is a partner in administering the household under the leadership of men. It is a help meet. It is a help meet.

Well then Proverbs 14:1 says: "The wise woman builds her house, the foolish, with his hands destroyed." If you are wise you will be a help meet, but you can destroy your home.

Ephesians 5:22 says: "Wives, sométanse to their own husbands as to the Lord" and later in

Ephesians 5:33 "that the wife respects her husband." Women instead of riding a feminist movements should fulfil its role within from home. Here are some points to remember about the subjugation of women to male authority: Here are some points to remember about the subjugation of women to male authority:

1. Being in what he does not harm its biblical and spiritual beliefs. Show dignified resistance to wrong. Show dignified resistance to wrong.

2. When it does not harm their physical integrity.

3. Support in all its activities and ideals with love and respect. (If you are not a Christian this could be instrumental in coming to Christ as 1 Peter 3:1,2).

4. Women should leave him to be his head and help you make good decisions. 4. Women should let him be your head and help you make good decisions.

That he is the head and not think well does not mean that you have to stay silent and receive damage.

Let's see what he says Proverbs 31:10-31 on the qualities of the virtuous woman: Let's see what he says Proverbs 31:10-31 on the qualities of the virtuous woman: V.10-is virtuous: I could say "is full of virtues.

" Has qualities holy woman worthy of admiration

V.10-is virtuous: I could say "is full of virtues." Has qualities holy woman worthy of admiration.

V. 11 - Create confidence in the husband: A woman who does not fulfil its role as her husband desconfié it because their attitudes always carry ills.

V. 12 - Hacedora good: Her husband receives no offenses, assault or damaging criticism.

12 - Hacedora good: Her husband receives no offenses, assault or damaging criticism. Not pendenciera or seek litigation with people.Nor is murmuradora and devoted to gossip. Focuses on making good to his family, to his friends, to the needy and the church.

V. 13-19 - worker and head of household: Not a haragana only asks rights rather than sue they earn on their lifestyle. You do not need to fight to win respect. Anda attentive to the needs of home and it's a good administrator of the money, not wasteful. If you can work it does. Although not taken full responsibility, then, the man said: "Your husband is respected in the community, a position between the authorities of the place." (V.23) Women who demand rights, behold their obligations. They may do more than many men if they wanted to.

V. 20 - compassion on the need for others: It is not selfish, or lack of love. I love to the needy. Today women are required to live the principles of the kingdom of God not only with words but with their attitudes towards people in need.While men macho spirit mistreating women and promoting authority they do not deserve nor have won, women could transform the world of people in need. It is not that women are an instrument sex. That is a lie.In light of the women's writing is more than that. Women have always played a pivotal role in biblical scripture. Who was Jesus to death? Who was Jesus to death? Women Who not denied at the time carrying the cross? Women. Who you were born?From a woman. From a Woman. Who prevented the death of the Jews exposing their lives to the King Vashti?A Woman: Esther. It may continue citing more examples of women of God.Women are important to God.
We are looking for women as well.

V. 26 - Wisdom: Your wisdom shown in taking wise decisions in raising their children, things from home and his treatment for the husband.

V. 30.31 - Its beauty is internal rather than external: Not vanidosa nor ostentatious but simple. That may be more admired that teach the body in the streets.

Common questions of women:

1. Do I have to undergo the man even if this does not take his place as head? The truth is that many women do not leave men as the head because they themselves do not take their position.

They have to take control.
Some women say. A) He is not the head. B) does not take the initiative to be head.The women must submit to men forever.What we really can do is

1. Teach a man to be head not taking decisions that belong to him.

2. Show responsibility to the man in the moments that do not wish to take. Find the right time. .

3. Identify the consequences that implies that he did not take his authority.

2. Does Valen my opinions at home? Of course, your ideas are not worth less than men. In reality the decisions of the household would have to be mutually agreed and taking all points of view. If the view of women is not respected it should find a way to make them known explaining the pros and cons of the views of him versus her.

3. Do I have to undergo around and even I stay silent in the face abuse him? The answer is no. As we mentioned at the beginning women should be careful not to respect their rights. You must be careful that the orders it receives no contrary convictions.If so, she may make a dignified resistance, without shouting or blows, with the strength of the word of God and prayer. The role of women at home should not be silent, or a hostile environment and abuse did it. A woman has much to do.Instead of being a passive woman who seeks only their rights should be really concerned about fulfilling its role.The role of women in marriage (entiéndase relationship between husband and wife), and at home (the whole kernel) is important not only because of the responsibility that goes with it socially but by what God says about them.

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