Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Babies are angels from heaven,nurture them with love"


"Crying as a means of communication" "Crying from hunger" "Crying because of fatigue" "Crying because of indigestation" "Crying because she needs to be burped "
"Crying for apparently no reason at all"

How can I stop my baby from crying

While there are several ways in which parents can cope with crying babies, there is no prescribed formula. None of these methods will work all of the time, some may not work at all. But they are all worth trying. First, try to determine whether there is a basic underlying problem. For instance, if you think the baby is hungry, try the breast or bottle. May be you need to change her nappy, remove or add a layer of clothing or reposition the baby. If none of these is the cause for the baby?s crying, then go through the checklist of what you can do.

If I pick her up every time she cries, will I be spoiling her

Many mothers believe that if you carry your baby every time she cries you will be spoiling her. This may be true for an older baby. (Some experts argue that you should not even think of these discipline issues before the child is 6-7 months old). But for a newborn baby, you should carry her as often as she likes. This is her way of telling you that she wants to feel safe and secure. Do not forget she has spent the past nine months cuddled up in her mother?s womb.

When should the doctor be called

Your baby?s seemingly endless daily screaming sessions are probably perfectly normal. Just to be on the safe side, mention the crying, its duration, intensity, pattern, and particularly any variations from the norm to the doctor. Sudden sustained crying in a baby who has not cried a lot previously, could indicate pain or illness. With advances in medical knowledge, the medical community is finding that certain aspects of crying may provide clues to illness. If a baby?s cry is inexplicably high-pitched, it could indicate illness.


You can start giving solid food to your baby only after he is 4 month old and not before that. Most experts and doctors recommend that you introduce your baby to his first tastes when he is between four and six months old.

It is however important to introduce foods by six months because at about this time a baby's own iron stores may start to become depleted, so he begins to need extra nutrients and calories from food sources other than milk. How Do You Know That Your Baby Is Ready?

Your baby will himself indicate that he is interested in foods and so watch out for his actions and signs that will clearly give a message that he is ready for other foods.

Following are a few tips:

1. Watch out for any interest that he portrays while you are eating and if you place him on your lap when you eat.

2. Is he showing an interest in exploring things with his mouth?

3. Does he seem to be unsatisfied after his usual milk feed; yet resists being put on the breast again, or rejects more formula?If you see any of these signs then you will know that your baby is ready to be introduced to other foods.

Talk to your doctor about this and then you can start giving foods to your baby.If however your baby doesn't seem to be interested to try out anything new and is quite happy with breastfeeding and cries or spits out the food that you try to feed him then you don't need to rush.

Just give your baby some more time and then you can try over again.

When To Feed The Baby?This topic will largely depend on how you will like to feed him and when. There is though no hard and fast rule that you must feed the baby in the morning or at night only.

There is no evidence that feeding the baby at some particular time will help the baby in any way that will be beneficial to him. So you can feed him at any time, which is convenient to you. Therefore the best time will be a time, which fits in with your usual family mealtimes, or the time when you would normally have a snack.

Make eating sociable from the start, so that your baby learns to look forward to meals as a time when he can join in with the rest of the family. Hold him on your lap at first, or sit him in his usual baby seat. This way it will be convenient to you and your baby will also schedule himself to the family mealtime.

How Much To Feed?

At first don't feed him too much. Just give him one or two spoonfuls. He may have problems at first getting food off the spoon therefore in the beginning give him food that will be as liquid as the milk feeds. Place tiny amounts of food in his mouth and at first it will be a bit difficult for him to swallow the food and he might spill out half the food. But very soon he will learn the trick and will start enjoying the food.

What Food To Give Your Baby?

You get very good and nutritious baby food in the market. You can also give steamed or boiled vegetables and fruits mixed with baby food made into a puree or just puree of boiled vegetables and fruits to your baby.

Try out the following vegetable, boil it and make a puree.

Potato Cauliflower
Carrot Sweet potato
Green peas Broccoli

You can give your child the following fruits

Mashed ripe banana
Mashed ripe avocadoBoiled apple
Mashed pear

Whether you are giving him vegetables or fruit always peel the skin and boil it in little water so that the vitamins are preserved. Don't add salt or pepper. Push the cooked food through a sieve or blend in a small blender. This is important because at first your baby wont be able to take solid food and so you have to keep the food more liquid.

Mix the food with some of the cooking water or some breast or formula milk to get a smooth texture. As he gets used

to 'solids' you can gradually make the puree less runny and then mash instead of blending the food.


Babies often suffer from food allergies since parents are not aware what foods are more prone to cause allergies. Normally if you or your husband's family do not have a history of food allergies (basically chocolate, peanut butter, peanuts etc) then it will not be a big problem for your baby.

Children have a 40 to 70 percent chance of developing allergies if both parents have allergies, depending on whether the parents share the same allergy.

The risk drops to about 20 to 30 percent with one allergic parent and to 10 percent if the parents have no allergies. Food allergy is when the immune system responds to a particular food by releasing antibodies, causing allergic symptoms such as a rash, swelling at sudden parts of the body, bloating, wheezing, runny nose.

Thus if your child suffers from food allergy, he's likely to show an obvious reaction soon after eating the offending food and the most important thing that you have to do is to stop giving that food immediately to the baby and avoid it for life.

The most common foods to which your baby might be allergic are:

Wheat, rye, oats and barley Eggs Sesame seedsNuts including peanuts Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruitCow's milk and cow's milk products Fish and shellfish

Try cutting these out of your diet, one at a time, and see if your baby's health improves. It may take up to ten days for it to clear from his/her system. Avoiding the early introduction of potentially allergenic foods is the basic step in the primary prevention of food allergies in children who are at high risk and therefore it is advisable to clinically test your baby for any food allergies.

If you are concerned about the possibility of allergies try out the following:

1. Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible as this seems to help protect baby's system against some allergies.
2. Avoid introducing solids until your baby is at least four months old.
3. Take extra care to avoid common allergens in your baby's diet.
4. Introduce foods one at a time, with several days between them, so you can more easily identify the food that is causing a reaction.


Asthma is one of the most common disorder affecting children which has to be diagnosed and treated at an early stage. Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by tight airways. A child who suffers from Asthma may get an attack of Asthma because of number of reasons namely referred to as "triggers."

Viral infections are the most common triggers in young children. Other triggers include smoke, animal dander, pollens, molds, house dust, mites, fumes and fragrances, or cold air.When a person gets an attack of Asthma his muscles surrounding the airways tighten, narrowing the caliber of the airways.

Second, the airways are narrowed by inflammation and swelling of the airway lining. This leads to the airway narrowing: the accumulation of mucus and other fluids, which can plug the airways. When the child suffers the attack the airways narrow and breathing becomes faster. The symptom of wheezing or coughing may follow. The child might have to work hard to breathe, as evidenced by grunting, flaring of the nostrils, or pulling in of the muscles between the ribs.

Some children with asthma have wheezing with no cough; some have cough with no audible wheezing; and some have both. If a child with asthma has difficulty speaking or sleeping because of wheezing, cough, or shortness of breath, it is important to contact the doctor immediately.

The risk of getting asthma depends both on genetics and on the environment. Asthma tends to run in families (along with eczema and hay fever). It is more common in premature infants and in those who have had RSV bronchiolitis. Those who are obese are at much higher risk.Asthma can also be prevented in infants if mothers breastfeed their babies.

Exercise and Yoga also helps Asthmatic patients a lot. The other important thing is to treat asthma the right way and treating allergies from the very beginning can be a wonderfully effective way to prevent asthma. If you think that your child is suffering from Asthma then you should contact your doctor right away for proper medication. Asthma can be treated and you can help your child lead a happy life.

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