Thursday, April 2, 2009

How To Get Happy * Why aren't people doing it *

Happiness. It's what I want. It's what you want. It's what we strive for. We tell ourselves all day long, every day of our lives, that it's what we need. But we're not really happy. We try to be happy, but we can't seem to find that little piece to make it right. We search for happy in our daily routines, sifting through all of our relationships and indulgences until we think we've found it. We tell ourselves that we'll be happy when we meet the right partner, or when we get more money, or when we feel better. But when that 'when' comes along, it only makes us happy for a little while.

So what will make us happy?

There are hundreds of books that hand over the secret to happiness. Many of these books were written over a millenium ago. I can only speculate that seeking happiness has been the goal of man since his inception; thereby, making him seek answers. And through history, many great thinkers have sought after the formula for happiness, and when they've discovered it, they wrote about it. So I have to believe that when one great thinker delved into what would make him happy, and found the truth, and then wrote about it, it set the groundwork for others to follow.

So this made me think. Yes, I was thinking again, and here's what I discovered.

Great thinker A, who lived 3000 years ago, needed to feel happy. He searched for answers through prayer and through deep reflection. And because he was desperate to find his answers, he was led to a teacher---a scholar of deep spiritual insight. He visited with the teacher, and he studied with the teacher. He applied what the teacher said to fit his perception and life, and used it to become happy. He didn't give up, in spite of not getting immediate results; but instead, he continued this teaching and practiced it until he saw results.

While this was happening, he thought about how the teacher's insights and theories were correct, but he threw a spin on it. He found that the teachings helped him but not in the exact way that it was taught to him. He studied, learned, applied, practiced, and formulated his own theory, extracting what he needed and expounding on it; hence, he formulated his own theory.

Now, down the road in time, Great thinker B comes along, and he's searching for answers. He prays and digs deep to find happiness and is led to the studies of Great thinker A. He studies the teachings of Great thinker A and agrees with what's been written. He understands the theory and applies Great thinker's technique to his everyday life. He's relentless in his pursuit to find happiness and practices the theories until he gets results. It takes a while, but he's determined to find his answers. And when he does, he expounds on what he learned from Great thinker A and formulates his opinions from what he learned, and he writes his findings to help others.

So far, each Great thinker needed to find answers, and in their search for the truth, found a teacher who once was looking for the same answers. Each teacher wrote what their findings were, all in an effort to help mankind. The only difference was that each had a variation of the formula. Their principals were the same, and the results were the same, but due to their individual perceptions, the road to getting there was a bit different. Each was correct, because each of them studied what the previous one taught and came up with the same results---although how they got the results may have varied a bit. When they discovered the truth, they wrote what they learned in order to help someone else.

It's kind of like this. Your friend gives you a recipe for meatloaf, and after making it and perhaps screwing it up, you learn and find a different way or a better way of making it. You have the formula, only now you add to it to make it your own. Well, this is what our history's great thinkers did in their pursuit to find happiness. Each thinker took the formula and worked with it until they got the results that they wanted.

This has been going on since the inception of man. Man's quest to find happiness has led them to someone who had discovered the truth and who was willing to share and teach what they had discovered. So what did all these teachers find? Each teacher's answer to being happy was this:

1--learning the truth about who man is in correlation to his divine source or God

2--learning that they are in their human form for the purpose of creating and experiencing

3--our thoughts dictate our life's experience

Let's take a look at Jesus. He was born a prodigy. He was capable of understanding the inner makings of spirit and man at a young age. He traveled extensively through all of Europe; studying, learning, and practicing the theories of the greatest masters. In return, he taught the masters what he knew. Each master knew the formula to happiness, but had a different map of how to obtain it. Their principals were identical, and the results were identical. The only thing that may have been different was the 'how'.

So how do we find our happiness?

We have thousands of years of masters teaching the exact same principals to life's secrets, only each teacher expounded just a little more about how they got their results. This means that although there are hundreds of books written by great thinkers, each book might offer a bit more information then the next. Don't you see? We each have something to bring to the table. If we would take the time to read from these marvelous masters, and then take the necessary time to study and practice what they've written, then tweaking it to suit our perceptions, we will find happiness.

The secret to happiness, and every great thinker has formulated this conclusion, is to change your thoughts. They coupled this with meditation and deep reflection. They all knew that our thoughts create who we are and our life's experience. And they all can't be wrong. Writings, dating back to 3000 years ago, then followed by other numerous great minds, such as Jesus and Buddah, and then other great minds of today, all can't be wrong. It's even written in the Bible that we are what we think. How did people from 2000 years ago and throughout history know this? Because we all share a common answer to the one of the two most asked questions of all time.

There are great books that are written by people who have searched and studied and practiced, without giving up, the practices of great thinkers; and in return, wrote how they got their results. Now, you may be thinking, but Val, there are thousands of 'how to' books. Who do we believe? How do we choose? Here's my answer, and I'm using this as an example.

I've studied agoraphobia for years. I consider myself an expert. My desire to get well was so strong that I searched and studied and didn't give up until I had results. It took a very long time, but that's usually the case. Results rarely happen overnight.

Over a year ago, I wrote a book about it. In the book, I tell the story of how I was led to write my book. But here's the thing. While I was sick, and before I knew the truth about the spirit world and God, and about how our negative thoughts bring negative manifestations, I found out the truth through my personal journey. In other words, through my desperation, I went to God, in spite of not believing in Him, and asked for answers. And because I was so desperate to get well, and because I was desperate to have my answers, I didn't give up. And by not giving up, my thought was on one thing all day long, and that one thing was my wanting to be well. And because I wanted to be well that's all I kept telling myself. And because I was relentless, I got what I wanted---I was led to find out the truth about God and the spirit world, but mostly, I was led to find out who I was and what my purpose was. The result? I was led to read various books which stated the same thing about the human thought process. I knew that they all couldn't be wrong. So I kept digging, and asking, and searching, and I got answers. And the result, I got well.

You see, when I began to see the results of getting well, I needed to know why and how. I needed more knowledge. I asked for guidance to learn more, and I was led to read books by some of these great masters and various passages of the Bible. What I read in the Bible matched up to what I did to get well, and that made me think. I told myself that if the Bible states that what a man thinks he will become, and if it was written over 2000 years ago, and if I got well because of how I was thinking, then the Bible was correct. So I expounded what I knew and wrote about it.

In your quest for finding out who you are, why you're here, and how can you be happy, you can never give up. This is where most people make their mistakes. They give up when they don't see immediate results. People, you have to be real. If you go on a diet, do you expect to lose 30 pounds in a day? Of course not, so expecting to find the answers to life's biggest question won't happen in a day.

After Master of the Realm was published, I heard about The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, and The Power of Intention, and I ran out to get the books. And sure enough these writers had expounded on what I had known.

The Law of Attraction, by Jerry and Esther Hicks, is an amazing book. I've read it twice. I also read their latest book, Money and the Law of Attraction, which I highly recommend. While reading these books, I grew more fascinated and more hopeful. You see, what I discovered on my own and had written about, Jerry and Esther had concurred. The only difference was that they elaborate details of how to change our thoughts.

So, how do you choose the right books to learn from? Ask, and you will receive. Contemplate on finding the truth. Go to your divine source for direction. Seek answers and don't give up until you find them. And read. Read alot. Read all the books you can get your hands on until you find the one that fits you the best.

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