We should always be reminded who we really are: We are luminous beings. Primordial miracles. Resplendent avatar. Every day and in every way, we are getting better at playing the mysterious master game we all dreamed up together before the Big Bang bloomed...
Let me put it another way. We are rebel creators longing to make the whole universe our home and sanctuary. We are dissident bodhisattvas joyfully struggling to germinate the seeds of divine love that are packed inside every moment... It's time to remember. We are a shimmering burst of spiral hallelujahs that has temporarily taken on the form of a human being, agreeing to endure amnesia about our true origins...
And why did we do that? Because it was the best way to forge the exquisitely unique and robust identity that would make us such an elemental force in our 14-billion-year campaign to bring heaven all the way down to earth...You and I are freedom fighters scrambling and finagling and conspiring to relieve all of our fellow messiahs from their suffering and shower them with more blessings than they know what to do with...
Lately, I must admit, our work has seemed almost comically impossible... Many people believe that everything is upside-down and inside-out. Is war really peace? Is slavery really freedom? Is ignorance strength? How did it all get so insane?
Even many of the smartest among us seem to have lost their vision. Cynicism has become a supreme sign of intelligence. Compulsive skepticism masquerades as perceptiveness. Mean-spirited irony is chic. Beautiful truths are suspect and ugly truths are popular...
At this peculiar turning point in the evolution of our 14-billion-year-old master game, it ain't easy to carry out our mission. We've got to be all wrathful insurrectionaries and exuberant lovers of life. We've got to cultivate cheerful buoyancy even as we resist the temptation to swallow thousands of delusions that have been carefully crafted and seductively packaged by those among us who bravely volunteered to play the role of deceivers...
We have to learn how to stay in a good yet unruly mood as we overthrow the cockeyed mass hallucination that is mistakenly referred to as reality.Maybe most importantly, we have to be ferociously and single-mindedly dedicated to the cause of beauty and truth and love even as we keep our imaginations wild and hungry and free. We have to be all disciplined and rowdy.
That's especially thorny because of the fact that a "genocide" of the imagination is raging world-wide. It threatens to render our imaginations numb and inert and passive and tame.
I know you know what I mean.
Aren't you psychically assaulted by dangerous images every day? Don't the media relentlessly blast you with their trendy doom and gloom fixation, barraging you with messages about how bad life is? Doesn't the entertainment industry force-feed you insipidly paranoid scenarios in the same way a French foie gras farmer crams eight pounds of corn down the gullet of his prize goose every day?
Aren't your eyes and ears constantly scalded by blistering harangues to buy stuff you don't really need? Isn't the sacred temple of your imagination pounded ruthlessly by smart bombs whipped up by evil advertising geniuses in their Madison Avenue laboratories? Hasn't your ability to envision the astounding intricacy and richness of the web of life gotten hijacked and hooked on decadent fantasies about new possessions that would allegedly make you happier?
Your imagination is supposed to be the engine of your destiny...
It is the wizard's wand you can use to design your future. Your imagination is your power to create mental pictures of things that don't exist yet and that you want to bring into being. Every human creation on this earth has begun as a vision in someone's imagination...
Your imagination is also your very own all-purpose joy stick, your snakeskin bag of magic tricks. It's your remote-control channel-changer, and the only reliable rearranger of anything anywhere anytime. It's your X-Factor, your wild card, your wicked funny instigator, your Goddess-sanctioned trouble-maker , your swarming, terraforming, always-morning brainstormer.
Love desperately needs your imagination...
A psychologist once said "For a relationship to stay alive, love alone is not enough. Without imagination, love stales into sentiment, duty, and boredom. Intimacy fails not because we have stopped loving but because we first stopped imagining."
Your imagination is the single most important tool you have in your daily fight to be free. It is the source of every act of liberation you will ever need to pull off.
But how can your imagination flourish ?how can it dream up scenarios that energize you to create your own version of heaven on earth, if you are forever deluged by dazzling psychic toxins that sting and sap and wound your lust for life?
Too many of us have fallen victims...
Their swarming terraforming always-morning brainstormers have been cruelly fooled into acting as if their deepest desires are impossible lies. As a result they live incoherent lives corroded by chronic anxiety...
There are true believers everywhere. And they don't like to hear that there are at least three sides to every story. They don't like to hear that everyone has a piece of the truth...
And here's the really bad news: Many of us here, including me, are infected with the fundamentalist virus. Each of us is fanatical, rigid, and intolerant about products of the imagination that we don't like...
We wish that certain people would not imagine the things they do, and we allow ourselves to beam hateful, war-like thoughts in their direction.We even wage war against our own imaginations, commanding ourselves, sometimes half-consciously, to ignore possibilities that don't fit into our neatly constructed theories. Each of us sets aside certain precious beliefs and symbols that we give ourselves permission to take very seriously and personally and literally...
Our fundamentalism, yours and mine, may not be as dangerous to the collective welfare as, say, the fundamentalism of Islamic terrorists and right-wing Christian politicians. It may not be as destructive as the CEOs who worship financial profit as the supreme measure of value and the scientists who ignore and deny every mystery that can't be measured.
But still....We are all infected, you and I. We are fueling the war against the imagination.
We must be and stay rebel creators. We are wrathful insurrectionaries and exuberant lovers of life dedicated to navigating our way through this peculiar turning point in the evolution of our 14-billion-year-old master game. It is our sacred duty to keep our imaginations wild and hungry and free, and to make sure that all of us, even those who volunteered to play the roles of ignorant deceivers, have the chance to keep their imaginations wild and hungry and free...
How might we start curing ourselves of the virus and move in the direction of becoming more festive, relentless champions of the "liberated imagination"?
For starters, we can take everything less seriously and less personally and less literally....
We can laugh at ourselves at least as much as we laugh at other people. We can mock our own hipocrisy and satirize our own fads and fixations. We can enjoy the pleasures of healing mischief, friendly shocks, compassionate tricks, irreverent devotion, holy pranks, playful experiments, and crazy wisdom. ..We can inspire each other to perpetrate healing mischief, friendly shocks, compassionate tricks, blasphemous reverence, holy pranks, and crazy wisdom...
And at last, we can ty to be humble enough to understand that it's a crime against life to act like a know-it-all who has everything all figured out…
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