Monday, January 14, 2008


Intellectual wellbeing involves ongoing education. This includes attending seminars and workshops, reading, and expanding your awareness of the world around you. Learning new things such as an exercise routine or a new recipe can also be intellectually stimulating.

Discussing new ideas with people from unique and different backgrounds helps us advance in all aspects of life.

This includes:

-critical thinking, problem solving skills
-mental status, abilities, challenges
-stimulation, creativity
-education, learning background
-educational goals
-adaptation to change
-knowledge of, and ability to, access resources

Tips for optimal intellectual wellness:

-take a course or workshop
-learn (or perfect) a foreign language
-seek out people who challenge you intellectually
-learn to appreciate art

Have you ever, or more importantly, have you recently:

-taken a course to challenge your mind and and keep it well?
-taken part in a discussion or debate?
-gone to see a documentary?
-traveled to a foreign country?

Emotional wellness is awareness and acceptance of a wide range of feelings in one's self and others. An emotionally well person understands personal limitations and knows how to effectively deal with stress; an emotionally well person has the ability to form satisfying relationships with others.

This includes:

-self-awareness and self-esteem
-positive attitudes, values and beliefs
-communication skills
-coping skills and assertiveness
-decision making skills
-caring, healthy relationships
-mental health and illness management

Tips for optimal emotional wellness:

-tune in to your thoughts and feelings
-cultivate an optimistic attitude
-seek and provide support
-learn time management skills
-practice stress management techniques
-accept and forgive yourself

Have you ever, or more importantly, have you recently:
-performed a random act of kindness? Why not do that today?
-sent a "just thinking of you" handwritten letter to a family member or friend?
-kept a journal?
-apologized to someone you have meant to?

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