Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"I'll be right here waiting..."

Life is what we make it...
Life is full of twists and turns.
We don't know what lies ahead.
But we just need to be ready before the next turn,
the next wave, the next page of the never ending
mysteries and ironies of life.

I've been living my own life for quite a long time.
Been there, done that.
Been in love, got hurt.

So where life will take me? I don't know.
What lies ahead? I'm not sure.
Will the "one" be there? I can't answer that.
We all have the questions, but we don't know the answers.

Answers that we all have been waiting for so long.

We may have it tomorrow or the other day or maybe never.
But something great will always come our way.

Just keep the faith!

I know, somebody will light

the signal fire soon....

very soon....

I'll just be here waiting for you...

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