Monday, April 28, 2008



The power of forgiveness:

Many of our problems in life are because of negative vibrations

emanated by others against us. These negative vibrations are

emanated generally in retaliation to our conscious or unconscious

insult, unruly behavior, anger or hurting their

sentiments. These negative vibrations can affect us by way of ill

health, financial losses, accidents or strained relations. We can

neutralize the effect of these negative vibrations by seeking

forgiveness from people through meditation. The vibrations

emanated by us while seeking forgiveness through meditation,

have the power to neutralize others negative vibrations thus

helping us lead a peaceful life.

Real life experience of a workshop participant:

I was going through one of the worst phases in my life by way of losses in business;

deteriorating health and hurdles in daughter's marriage. I could never know the reason

until I attended your workshop in Mumbai. I realized it was all because of my bad

behavior with my own brother and other family members. I sought forgiveness from all

of them in the way you told me to do in meditation and the results were astonishing.

Within a week my relations improved with my family members and my business turned

around and everything else became normal. Since then me and my family members are

living a happy life. I never knew that others negative vibrations can have such an effect

on our lives.

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