Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Why Men Leave?"

Facts about why men LEAVE relationships with women they really like or even love that you need to know.


The Pleasure Principle
Men and women want to feel good in their lives and in their relationships.
If you're constantly freaking out on a manabout something he's doing or saying, you're quickly turning into a person who isn't fun to bearound. He just won't feel that good around you.
This has a huge impact on whether or not he'llwant to invest more time and energy into you and your relationship.
Or if he'll decide to give up on trying to fixwhat's going on so you can both feel good together.


Emotional Experience and the Future
The way a woman acts in "little" situations become indicators to a man about how she'll respond when things REALLY get tough in the future.
So if a woman is constantly emotional ornegative, even when a man does what he can to"reassure" her... he isn't going to believe thingswill get better the longer he's with her.
He's going to feel as if he has to "walk on eggshells" around you, and that doesn't make ANYONE feel good about staying in a relationship.


Lost Feelings of Attraction
Sure, love is important to a man.
But experiencing those addicting and excitingfeelings of CONNECTION and ATTRACTION with the woman he loves are just as important.

Because when a man feels ATTRACTION and love,working out the little problems is a piece of cake.

When he stops feeling that connection, he'llforget why he's with you in the first place, andthe relationship will start to feel like a whole bunch of "work" to him.

(By the way, trying to "fix" things by talkingabout working on "the relationship" is a big mistake. A man wants to DO fun and enjoyable THINGS together - not talk - to know it's working)
Sometimes a man will say he cares about you, or maybe even loves you, but he'll admit he's not "in love" with you.

If you've ever heard that from your man, it'sa symptom that he's not feeling that gut-level of ATTRACTION for you, despite having affectionate feelings for you.

Creating that gut-level of attraction and sharing that attraction is one of the most powerful and important keys to giving a man hisown reason for wanting to be with you, no matterwhat.
I'm not talking about physical attraction, either.

I'm talking about the EMOTIONAL and INTELLECTUAL attraction that comes from a deeper,more subconscious place.

If you want to learn the secrets to easily creating or RECAPTURING the intense attraction that will have your man asking you for more attention, then check out my "Natural And LastingAttraction" CD/DVD program.

It will show you exactly how to get back tosharing both the physical AND emotional attraction, and give you the 6 keys to the kind of deep, lasting love that will keep your relationship moving forward.

All the details are here:

A man wants to be with a woman who brings something BETTER to his life, not take away his time, energy and emotional "stability."
So when a woman doesn't have much going on for herself or her life BESIDES the relationship,it's a big red flag to the man.
It tells him she focuses too much on the relationship as the source of her happiness.
She stops hanging out with her friends as much, she stops focusing on her own interests orhobbies and she feels "controlled" by the relationship in some way.
This not only looks "needy" to a man, but herealizes she isn't bringing a lot into the relationship on her own.

How can you tell you're guilty of this?
Have you ever said this to yourself after abreak-up:
"I can't believe how I lost touch with my friends while I was with that guy."
"I can't believe I let him control me like that."
"Where did my life go?"

"What happened to the REAL ME? I wasted so much time in that relationship, when I could have been doing things for myself or my future."

The reality is that no man and no relationship can or should be EVERYTHING to you.
You shouldn't have to sacrifice all yourtime and energy on a man.
And the point is, he doesn't WANT you to. At least, no mature, "together" man will want you to.(Controlling, psychotic men? Well, that's another story.)

"She's Trying to Fix Me"
A man can and will change and compromise fora woman. It's a fact.

I see it all the time when men let go of their "bachelor lifestyles" for one special woman.
But a man has to have his OWN REASONS to change. A lot of women try to change a man by showing him how it will affect THEM as a couple,not him alone.

People are motivated by things THEY WANT, notby things others want. If you want a man tochange, you have to try to show him how it willbenefit him and him alone, not you or your relationship.

Just remember, if a man is deeply committedto you and your relationship and he isn't feeling or experiencing too many of the above "reasons"for leaving, then any issues you have will feellike small bumps in the road to him.

He'll be confident, open, and secure aboutworking things out with you.

To learn more about how the commitment processworks for a man and how to create that deep "emotional commitment" that will bring out a newlevel of CONFIDENCE and CERTAINTY in your relationship, I strongly suggest you check out my"From Casual To Committed" CD/DVD program.

My "From Casual To Committed" program coversthe common points of male "resistance" that comeup in relationships which keep you from growingcloser and more committed on a physical andemotional level.
Go here for all the details and learn how tohelp a man to address his greatest challenges to a lasting, committed relationship with you.


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