Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Belief Is Not Based On Religion But By Faith In God"

Being a Christian does not mean going to church.
You don’t go to church because someone want you to do so

You don’t go to church because u wanna please someone in order to get a favour.
But Christianity is a thing of the mind, it is from the heart and it requires personal decision.

You are a Christian because you wanna do so, because you wanna serve God.

You are a Christian because you believe in Him and in the power of his might, to deliver you, to protect you and to give hope and purpose in life to live.

You are Christian cos you believe in the power of His resurrection, in His ability and power to save you.

So you are not a Christian by your attendance in church activities
You are not a Christian because you were given a Christian name by your parent.
You are not a Christian because somebody want you to.

But being a Christian is different bull game.

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