" I N T E N T I O N S "
Most of us have the same goals but different intentions.This intentions are the ones that makes our lives more complicated.We tend to do whatever it takes to reach our goals but we are not being honest enough with ourselves why we do things to decieve other people with our true intentions.If only all of us could just think first before we make our goals in life.Ask yourself,on how your intention will affect your life & those around you. Power Of Intention
Most people put a lot of effort into planning a vacation or holiday - but they just don't spend nearly as much energy planning their lives.
If you did - you'd probably get some amazing results.
A recent study found that most people (87-percent) spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives, finances, relationships and other aspects of their life.
So it really comes as no surprise that people have more success pulling off a vacation than they do improving their lives - they simply take the time to plan their vacation.
Why does planning lead to results?
Because when you plan something your intention is clear!You want to go on a vacation and you want to enjoy it so you focus on the rewards of being on vacation and you begin doing exactly what you need to do in order to complete and enjoy your vacation.
Now what if you used this same process in every aspect of your life?
I call it the Power Of Intention and when you begin to utilize the Power Of Intention - you will begin to get dramatic results in your life.
In this week's newsletter I'll outline how the Power Of Intention works, and how you can begin working with it to dramatically improve your life. So read on and enjoy.
This week's newsletter is brought to you by Creating Power - the Complete system that teaches you how to develop the Power of Intention - in the process you'll learn how to work with the awesome power of your mind and subconscious mind.
When you start working with Creating Power you'll begin living the life you want and achieve your goals.
To learn more visit:http://www.creatingpower.com/news.htm
The Power Of Intention
When you are focused on something, when you have decided what you want to achieve, when you understand why you want to achieve something and begin looking for ways to get it done you are utilizing the Power of Intention.
When you have the Power Of Intention working for you - you'll begin moving in the direction of achieving your goals and enjoying success.
This power is the ability of directing your mind and subconscious mind by giving it the exact instructions to help you achieve your goals.
Now a lot of people have good intentions - but that doesn't mean that you'll automatically be utilizing the Power Of Intention. Good intentions and the Power Of Intention are 2 different things.
I'm sure you have some goals - and that's great. But just because you have goals doesn't mean that you are utilizing the power of intention.
Why not?
Because having goals or having good intentions is not the same as being clearly focused and clearly directed.
The power of intention is the ability to clearly understand what you want, why you want it and how you plan on going about achieving that goal.
How do you get your Power Of Intention working for you?
The first step is to decide what you want - be very clear.
You may want to lose weight, make more money, meet someone, have better relationships, etc.
Now be very specific - if you want to lose weight - decide how much?If you want to make more money - how much more m'oney? If you want to meet someone what kind of person? Is this someone you would marry or just date for some time? If you want to improve relationships - which relationships and how much do you want to improve these relationships?
Getting specific is very important - because when you're specific you give your mind and subconscious mind a set of clear instructions to follow – you give them more to work with. This is how you get your Power Of Intention working.
Students who work with my Creating Power system begin developing and utilizing their power of intention in the very first week by getting specific and deciding exactly what they want.
This process is crucial to your success and with Creating Power you'll be able to develop and utilize the power of intention while directing your subconscious mind to create the life you want.
To learn more about Creating Power visit:http://www.creatingpower.com/news.htm
How You Can Jump Start The Power Of Intention
There is a simple way to jump start your Power Of Intention - one that will motivate you to success and achieve your goals.
The simple step is to decide why you want to achieve a specific goal or set of goals. If you're not sure - then keep asking yourself why until you truly understand why you want this goal to become a reality. For example: - if you want to löse wëight - ask yourself why you want to lose weight.
Is it to look better? Fit into old clothes? Be healthier? Attract the right person? - Just think about why you want to lose weight.
If you want to make more money - then ask yourself why you want to make more money - until you come up with a reason that you are comfortable with and that explains why you want to make more money.This is the first step - because when you understand why - you'll motivate yourself to action.
Too often people decide on a goal but never focus on why they want to achieve their goals.
Here's something that will help you better understand the process.
Try this simple exercise - think about a goal and see how you feel. Now think about why you want to achieve your goal and see how you feel. Does achieving that goal become more important when you think about why you want to achieve that goal?
When you focus on the why - you give your mind and subconscious mind a reason to go out and achieve your goals. This is important - so important that I constantly remind my students of this process when they work with my Creating Power system.
When you clearly understand why you want to achieve your goals - you have your Power of Intention working for you in ways you never imagined.
The next step in utilizing your power of intention is to start directing your mind and subconscious mind to focus on getting the results you want.
A simple daily exercise you can work with is to think about all the possible ways you can achieve your goals.
Then start believing that you have achieved your goals.
What do I mean?
Try this simple exercise. Think about your goal and now think about achieving that goal - what would it feel like to have achieved that goal. Now in the beginning it may not seem that comfortable - but that's only because your mind is not used to doing this.
So I suggest you work with it everyday and practice - practice makes perfect -- so keep at it.
As you work with some of these techniques you'll begin developing your mind and subconscious mind to guide you to the situations, people and events that will help you achieve your goals.
The Creating Power system shows you how to develop the Power Of Intention as you direct and control the power of your mind and subconscious mind. Start living the life you want today.
To learn more about Creating Power visit:http://www.creatingpower.com/news.htm
Some Final Tips
Here are a couple of final tips that will help you get your power of intention working for you so that you achieve those goals that will change your life.
First break your goal down into smaller steps. Think of what is most important, think about the end result and then break your goal down into smaller steps.
For example if you want to lose 20-pounds in 3 months. Break that down to let's say 10-pounds in a month or 3 pounds a week. Now the goal becomes more manageable and you'll be able to develop your confidence as you move forward. Do this for every important goal.
Next - look for someone who has achieved your goal and follow their model.Take a look at a friend who lost weight and ask them what they did. Take a look at a friend who is making m'oney and follow what they did. Think of your goals and then think about someone who is doing something similar - and find out what they did.
Train your mind and subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals.Start believing that you can achieve your goals. Don't settle for saying that you can't achieve your goals - think about why you want to achieve your goals and focus on them everyday.
This last part is how you get your power of intention working for you - remember why the goal is important - and then think about what it would feel like to have achieved that goal.
If you really want to get moving and start achieving your goals then start working with the Creating Power system - so that you can better train your mind and subconscious mind to help you create the life that you want.
Work with every tool at your disposal to help you get what you want out of life.To learn more visit: http://www.creatingpower.com/news.htm
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