Friday, June 6, 2008

"Encourage Your Child More In Learning"

"Ways to help your child succeed at school"

Children love to learn, but they don't always seem to thrive at school. There are lots of things that you as parents can do to help this.

It might be that the style of school doesn't suit your child. Some children have very particular learning styles, and need to go to a particular school. Some children who have ADHD or Asperger's Syndrome will benefit from smaller specialist schools, but some children who are within the normal spectrum will also benefit from different teaching styles.

If you don't thing the school is right for your child, speak to the teacher. If you still think it is wrong change schools.

Some children like large, noisy schools, where everyone is busy, while some children will like smaller schools. If a child likes the school, it is a huge step to helping them to get a good education. They will be happier going to school, and therefore learn better.

If a child is having problems with other children, you need to be prepared to go up to the school and sort it out. Spend the time speaking to the teacher and find an answer. You have to do this the minute there is a problem, so speak to your child about his day each day and know what is happening there.

Give your child a special place to do his homework, an make sure that it gets done. If he doesn't understand it, then help. If YOU don't understand it, make sure you go to the teacher and get it sorted. You child might have misunderstood the instructions.

Go back over past homework assignments and help your child to do corrections.
Help your child with major projects by getting the materials they need and helping them do research.

Take your child to interesting places. Don't worry if you don't live near a famous museum or art gallery- go to the park, the woods, the river and learn all there is to learn about life cycles, wildlife, weather, other cultures etc

Talk to your child all the time. Let him into your life. Let him learn everyday things and help you. These are life skills that will be invaluable to him later on.

Make sure your child goes to school. If there is any question of them playing truant, nip it in the bud straight away.

Speak with confidence about the school, praising it. Make your child feel that it is a privilege to go to that school. If you talk disparagingly about the school , the child won't feel good about going.

Stay as much in your child's life as you can, and you will be able to help him when any problems arise.

These days, we are all busy. Finding time to sit down each night to help with homework is a challenge, let alone assisting with various school activities. But there are some simple ways to ensure your child achieves their best at school.

Start with a healthy breakfast studies have shown that those children who eat breakfast each day perform better academically than those who miss out on an early meal. Ensure the breakfast is a healthy one, preferably with a low glyceamic index to release energy slowly. Cereals high in sugar will result in a slump around mid-morning and increase the desire for unhealthy snacks.

Sufficient sleep children need more sleep than is often allowed for. Primary school children need 10-12 hours sleep at night; a teenager needs 9-10. If your child is having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, and is skipping breakfast as a result, it might be an idea to make their bed-time earlier. If your child is yawning during the day and falling asleep on short car trips they probably aren't getting enough sleep at night. Set a realistic bed-time and stick to it.

Improvise - when out and about use the opportunity to teach. Be aware of what your children are currently working on and level appropriate activities at them. For example, when buying groceries, if they are working on division ask them how much each apple costs if you buy four for $2. Encourage younger children to read street and shop signs. Activities should be kept light and fun so that children will look forward to these impromptu lessons.

Take an interest in school work it's not always possible to assist children one-on-one with their homework, but take time while making lunches in the morning or preparing dinner of evening to listen to your child read or ask them about their school day.

The child that knows his or her parent is interested in their school activities will make more of an effort in the classroom. It's hard for working parents to find the time but try to attend school events occasionally. It means a lot to a child to have family members present at an assembly or show.

Introduce yourself at the beginning of each school year, make time to meet with your child's teacher to discuss your child's personality. Your child has to share one teacher with many other children so any advice you can give the school about your child's needs will assist the teacher to tailor learning to your child's strengths and weaknesses. Also take this opportunity to find outany areas your child excels or struggles in and ask for advice on how to deal with this.

Make study fun most kids hate homework; make it easier for them by providing a suitable workspace. This can be the kitchen table as long as it is brightly lit and they have somewhere to store their things when not needed. In fact, a child that studies or works in a family setting rather than isolated in their room is often more productive.

Set aside dedicated time for homework and turn the television off. Set a time limit and if your child has worked sufficiently well, reward them with TV. Let them rest for a short period when they first get home from school, perhaps with a snack, before making them do homework. Many children thrive on having a set routine because they know what is expected of them.

Physical concerns children are very good at adapting and physical problems can go undiagnosed for too long. Difficulties with learning can often be traced to poor eyesight or hearing so if you have any concerns in this area, make sure the necessary checks are completed before your child starts school.

Read, discuss and play - reading to your children every night is not always possible. We all know how it feels to be so tired we can barely keep our eyes open let alone concentrate on the printed word so read to your children when you can. It doesn't have to be before bed though storybooks are a great way to wind down at the end of the day.

Discuss age appropriate current affairs with your child. Children are like sponges and absorb information whether or not it is directed at them. You may be surprised at what they know or think they know! Play games with your child. Board games provide educational value teaching children to count, take turns and develop strategy and can be fun for the whole family.

"I was a straight A student-my kid's ain't gonna be anything less!" That's one sure-fire way to doom your child's scholastic endeavours. Your academic pedigree impacts your child far less than conscientious, consistent parenting.

Step out of your past, be the best you can today to help your child on the path to educational excellence.

Begin with the practical:

A healthy body enhances a healthy mind. Children need food, drink and rest to be able to maximize their learning potentials. Provide a balanced, nutritious diet in frequent, appropriately sized portions. A healthy breakfast to start the day is a must. Many schools allow children a fruit and vegetable snack during class time as well as continual access to drinking water.

Growing bodies need sleep. Left to their own devices, some children avoid bedtime at all costs. A responsible parent ensures that children have ample opportunity to gain satisfactory sleep.

Allow your child time to play, relax and have the luxury of nothing to do'. Extra curricular activities provide wonderful opportunities, but find a balance between work and play. Overloaded children run the risk of burning out.

Provide an environment conducive to study. Whether your child works at the kitchen table, or at their own desk elsewhere in the house, make sure they have the best environment possible in which to study. Consider adequate lighting; minimal distractions (turn off the TV and remove the annoying sibling); comfortable temperature and ergonomic furniture.

Be organized. Model and encourage good organization. Mark activities and due dates on the calendar. Have uniforms and lunches ready early before school. Train your child to be responsible for his or her own matters (ie returning a reader, remembering lunch) from the earliest school days.

Train your child to manage time effectively. Make home study tasks a priority after school and don't allow a child to leave a project until the midnight hour.

Equip your child with the necessary resources. Invest in dictionaries; provide Internet access; join and frequent the local library; provide paper, pens, erasers, rulers.... it sounds trivial, but many a homework session has been thwarted due to the lack of an eraser or pencil sharpener.

With practical measures in place for success, train YOUR attitude to hone your child's true abilities.

Value your child's schooling. Demonstrate in word and action that schooling is important. Value the institution and the individual. Uphold the ideals of your child's school and protect the dreams of your child.

Respect the authorities over your child. Don't undermine teachers in the presence of your child. Support staff decisions and efforts. If you have a legitimate concern, don't carelessly air it in front of your child. Aim to resolve conflict without fallout damaging your child's application to learning.

Expect the best from your child. Make it clear to them that near enough is NOT good enough'. Mediocrity and nonchalance should never be acceptable.

That said, ACCEPT your child's best. Be it an A or an E, your child achieving his or her personal best should be acknowledged and rewarded. It is not your child's responsibility to exceed your own amazing academic accomplishments, neither does your child need to atone for your personal ineptitude.

We all want our children to reach for the stars, but I for one measure success in terms of a graduating student with healthy self esteem and an independent work ethic rather than a long list of A's. (As much as I crave those shining grades!)

Sending a child to school is a huge accomplishment and brings you happiness knowing that he/she is earning an education. Helping your child to succeed at school is a great way to create a bigger bond.

Helping with homework can put your child at ease knowing that she/he has help and can finish to have free time for fun later.

Another great way to help your child is to attend school plays and cheer your child when you see she/he on stage performing their role. They will be happy that you came and was there to support their part.

And attending a PTA meeting is a helpful way to ensure that your child is succeeding in class.

Talking with the teacher to know how the child is paying attention is class is a way of understanding their behavior when you are not around to watch them complete their work. Some parents may reward their child with a prize or an evening out with their friends when they have accomplished homework or done something great in school.

The best way to help your child succeed is to be a good role model toward the and raise them in a well mannered home surrounded by loving people. That includes no yelling and/or language in front of them.

And teaching them that it's not a smart thing to smoke and/or do drugs with their friends in school. Friends like these can show the child that it's okay to do something that is against the rules and even possibly against the law.

The best way to ensure your child's success in school is to get involved in your child's learning. You will be amazed the confidence it will give your child.

One way for your child to want to succeed in their academics is to let them know with praising words that you are interested in what they are learning and that any time they need your help or guidance you are there for them.

First, make sure that you have a quiet place for you and your child to work at, give your children a healthy snack and a bathroom break before you begin learning so that they can focus on their work.

Some times it is easier than others to help your child with home work or assist them in learning new material. If your child's teacher sends home paper work with clear instructions you have half of the work cut out for you already.

If you don't get full and clear directions from the teacher on what your child is learning simply create work for you and your child to do together. Reading to your child is always a great idea, or if they are already reading have them read a story to you. Hop on a computer or even grab a piece of paper and a pencil and make some age appropriate math work for your child to do then grade them and if they do a good job give them a small reward and tell them how proud you are of them.

If you want to get your child's creative juices flowing as well as their coordination skills you might want to gather up some paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils, tape and scissors to help you child build a small city. Children are having fun while they are learning some well needed skills. If you want to have you child use their imagination the next time you want to curl up to a movie on the DVD player just gather some art supplies and popcorn and you and your child can create a movie theatre at home.

The best part of all is that if you do one of these or many other similar ideas you will be letting your child know that you care about them while they are learning something. You will be amazed the difference in your child's school work.

Start your day with a conversation about going to school and the things that your child may do at school and take the time to work with them whenever you can this opens their minds to the possibility that something good and positive can be squeezed into their brains.

A very important key to success is teach your child it is important to pay attention and be alert and be courteous to those around.... i realize with smaller children this is a large task but it is very possible... with a little help from you at home your child will be successful....

AND IF AT FIRST THEY DON'T SUCCEED TRY TRY AGAIN Another way to help your child do better in school is to take the time to help them this is very important your children will respond to you better and come to you more often and taking the time to help them lets then know how much you care.

A loving environment at home will help them to succeed at school, if that does not work take the time to look into alternative methods your local youth center may or may not offer a program to help your children deal with what ever subject may need to be addressed... if they do not, they should be able to tell you who can take your time and look into your options always remember that your children are our future and we are here to help in any way we possibly can.

I firmly believe these methods can and will help i know they all seem very basic and generic but allot of people do not realize that with a little bit of effort these children whom we decide don't have any potential are most likely the ones with the most of all to offer... i think that our teachers at our public schools should also go out of their way to tell us when our children are struggling so that we have an idea of where the help needs to begin....this would be an incredible help i know that at my daughters school she was struggling with spelling and the teacher never once mentioned it. If she had i could have found a way to help her sooner and saved her allot of embarrassment and sad days at school

I have followed my own advice and have a great support system here and have put her into reading blocks which is a local reading group for children her age they focus on her...which is a nice change and she really enjoys it so please take the time to help your children because learning begins at home first and foremost.

Self-directed parents find ways to discover their child's potential from the early childhood. You must know your child best than others do.

Children shows their potentials or gift from the time they start learning how to say the first word, make their first step and other psychomotor skills. From this point in their life, make your own assessment as to your child's possible gift/s: Singing, writing, dancing, painting, mathematical ability etc.

Understand your child's feelings and situations.Put yourself in your child's shoes for you to understand why he is acting that way. In this case, you will teach yourself to be supportive rather than a villain. Give your utmost support to your child's dreams. Support must not only be financially but rather it must include emotional, physical, spiritual and social supports.

Attending Parents Teachers Association's (PTA) Meetings regularly will give you complete understanding of your child's performance.Knowing his performance in school will guide you what to do at home. Monitoring your child's performance must not only be limited to your attendance in school meetings but must be done regularly to the extend of calling your child's teacher at least twice a week.

You must study the lessons of your child for you to be in better position to guide him academically.

Patience is one of the best qualities parents must possess. Do not just be good at the beginning of the school year but all year round.There are times your child doesn't learn as fast as you expect, be patient. Tutor your child through games. Remember, children learn better and faster if they are well motivated.

Games are proven to be an excellent motivation to attract children's interest to learn.

Example, instead of inviting your child to study his lessons, you may invite him to play BINGO. Draw a BINGO box with twenty-five (25) squares. Ask a question based on his lessons, if he answers correctly. He will draw one circle at the BINGO Card, if he can't, you will draw a circle instead.

The one who draws three consecutive circles will get a point. In this manner, your child thinks.

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